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Paul and Judy - PCT and Beyond

A nice view over the hills.jpg

A Pacific Crest Trail Adventure

Welcome to Paul and Judy's blog for the PCT 2024.

Paul and I are siblings aged 70 and 67 respectively. We were born and grew up in England, but both have made our home and life in NZ and Australia since our early 20’s.


The idea of walking the Pacific Crest Trail was Paul’s idea with Judy a willing accomplice. A sense of adventure, excitement and a taste for the unknown has prevailed in us both. We love the outdoor life and keeping fit and there is an element of ‘risk taking’ in us both so bring on the PCT and all the challenges it offers, good, bad, tears, smiles and all.

We would both like to acknowledge our families and close friends who have been so supportive and encouraging during the preparation process for this epic hike. We would also like to acknowledge our brother Roger who sadly passed away in 1996 due to mental illness. If you would like to support us by offering some funds to the links further down the page (one is for NZ and one for Australia). We are hoping to raise money to help others suffering through mental illness.

We begin walking on 15th March at Campo on the Mexican border, we hope you will join us by following this blog throughout our 4,250 km adventure, share in our good times and not such good times along the way. We would love to have you along for the ride.


Cheers, Paul and Judy

The length of the trail

4,270 km

Taking on the challenge

2 siblings

A 6 month hike across the United States

6 months

You can track our daily progress using the Polarsteps app.


The Mental Health Connection

A major goal of this walk is to raise awareness about mental health challenges and funds to support those that walk those difficult roles. 

The issue is near and dear to our hearts, as we lost a brother to suicide. It's clear that many people suffer in silence, while others reach out and are unable to find the help that they so desperately need. 


If our efforts can make even the smallest difference, then the every step of the journey will be well worth it.  

Raising Awareness

For those who can, donations are the most powerful approach. We hope to raise as much as possible to contribute to this field. 

We have two options for donations, organisations that are dear to us. Please follow the links below for more information:

For those who cannot contribute financially, please spread the word. The more people working to make a difference, the better. Together we can create a safer and more supportive world for those who are struggling. 

How You Can Help

Our Partners

While the Pacific Crest Trail is our largest adventure yet, it is hardly our only one. We are passionate about being outdoors and experiencing everything this great world has to offer.

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