We made it to the finish post , 650 miles from Minehead to South Haven Point . It was so special to have Cherry, Jolly and Peter joining us for the last days walking . Many thanks to all those people who helped and supported us along the way during this epic walk , we appreciate you all, particularly the young couple who dragged me around a extremely challenging cliff edge in gale force winds .
I found a few statistics to share with you :
We have crossed 230 bridges
Open and closed 880 gates
Climbed over 436 stiles
Passed by 4,000 coast path signs
Climbed up and down 30,000 steps
I want to thank Paul who stuck with me and my fear of heights day after day and helped me get over some very tough moments . Paul will go back on the Pacific Crest Trail for a month in July joined by my nephew Daniel , I will not ! Paul will continue to post on this blog during July but for the next few weeks we will sign off and enjoy visiting friends and family over here .